The claim that the watch was STOLEN is absurd.
Let's look at this objectively.
First of all, we can not say what exactly happened to the watch because it is difficult if not impossible to tell from the video. Thus, the decision to call it stolen is merely an assumption. Some might argue this whole watch buzz is but a pathetic attempt at ridiculing all things Albanian. Rushing to conclude that some "robber" slipped it right out of the Presidents hand, or miraculously undid the wristband without anyone seeing (the World was watching), nor Bush feeling a thing at all. President Bush never felt a thing or as "trusty" video shows, he never reacted to anything at all. If I were to believe such ridiculous scenarios, I must say than that Albanian magician must have been real good!
Now, what is most likely to happen to a flimsy watch when someone is high-fiving the wildest fans this side of the Atlantic? Have you, kind reader, ever had a watch fall off your wrist before? It seems I always lose my watch during fist fights.
Now, could it be that the pin gave and the watch fell to the ground? Could it be that Bush was looking down to see the watch which he felt fell off his hand? Could it be that one of his Secret service men picked it up?
Maybe none of the above. It seems to me the man took the watch off himself.
nje jolajm i emfatizuar nga media jo vetem e huaj por gjithsesi antishqiptare.
Si gjithmone do ja gjenin cepin dhe kësaj here, cepi doli në formë ore.
Sa për të krijuar tërheqjen absurde të vëmendjes nga ajo çka vërtet na intereson këtë moment.
Bonsai, ma ler pak, adresen e blogut te ri se nuk ta kam...
fort po paska me idhnue fmijt e kishes greke kjo video Blend:)
Stolen or not stolen matters little
the damage is done...
Greeks and Serbs couldn't have had a better opportunity to jump at our throats. "Albanians are a pack of thieves... "
Somehow, after this visit whatever the neighbors think or say seems ever so irrelevant...
Who gives a damn, really?!
Të gjitha komentet e bëra në Itali, shoqëroheshin me nje buzëqeshje :), dhe jo për të nënkuptuar se :"ja shqiptarët", por ashtu siç u shpreh dhe Fiorello e Linus *dy nga figurat e radiofonisë :): COMPLIMENTI AL LADRO ( komplimente hajdutit), se me te vërtetë i tregoi burrit më me pushtet të botës, se ja kush jam :)
Haha, its all over the freaking place.. I heard it on the radio this morning and every body and their mother is talking about it..we just got some free
PS: cudia me e madhe tre dite zgjat..:D
ata e vertetuan qe Georgie e futi ne xhep me kamera biles e tregon qe e fut ne xhep, pastaj do ishte shum obvious kur ta vidhte..sepse duhej kohe te hiqej brava e me the te thashe.. nejse.. un po habitem me shume me faktin pse nuk po denoncohet kjo keqdashesia e mediave dhe e fqinjeve... kjo duhet te bente headlines
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